March 14, 2009

Every useable and efficient application UX needs 3 things :

My inspiration comes from an original Tweet by @communicating:

"To create a useable, efficient mobile application UX you really need to minimize 3 things: 1-Keystrokes, 2-Screen Changes, 3-Hidden Data."

I agree with @communicating, but I will open the concept => every useable and efficient application UX needs to minimize 3 things:
  1. Keystrokes,
  2. Screen Changes,
  3. Hidden Data.
Not only because the trend is now towards "mobile everywhere" but also because the more general trend, you guessed, is : "Keep it easy simple !"

March 9, 2009

KeepItEasySimple Need4: Why the Web isn’t like a magazine?

"Why the Web isn’t like a magazine? Why going to a new Web page isn’t as easy as just turning a page ? "

That is a new idea from Larry Page (Google's
Co-founder) according to Marissa Mayer the vice president of search products and user experience at Google in a video intereview with Charlie Rose.


March 8, 2009

KeepItEasySimple Solution1: BackLink reader for Twitter

You want to check who is twetting about your URL page even if it is hidden by a URL-shortener service ? Then you need

It is just a search engine that looks for all links posted on Twitter BUT it reads also the shortened URLs !!

No need to check 1 by 1 all the,, ...

A 4****/5 KeepItEasySimple Solution

KeepItEasySimple Need3: Blogger should insert links codes for me

Any time, I write a full URL address ( , should place the correct codes so that the link can be used by viewers instead of asking me to click on the Link button and do the job.


KeepItEasySimple Need2: Web app with long urls to provide url-shortening

"Every web app that produces long urls should provide a built-in url-shortening facility"

from @davewiner post:


KeepItEasySimple Need1: URL-shorteners

"I would like my URL-shortener to grab the title of the page I'm linking to and insert it into the typing box, before the shortened URL" instead of doing that myself.

RT@davewiner: A short step in URL-shorteners.